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Bagaimana ? Kalo anda mau, silahkan mengunjungi halaman spesial ini kemudian masukkan beberapa detail yang dibutuhkan selanjutnya untuk kode promosi, salin kode ini : 45T52-3D7MS-GS44K-W4CKC-8442U.

Outpost Security Suite Pro yang dibagikan adalah Outpost Security Suite Pro versi yang terbaru, yaitu versi 8. Oh ya, promo ini hanya berlaku 2 hari yakni hingga 9 Maret 2013.

Mendukung Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 & 8.

Update terbaru dari dunia browser. Internet Explorer 10, adalah browser terbaru buatan Microsoft, yang memunyai tampilan yang baru. Internet Explorer 10 lebih dominan untuk PC layar sentuh atau Tablet. Sebelumnya Internet Explorer 10 sudah built-in di windows 8, tapi sekarang, anda dapat mencoba versi test-drive nya untuk windows 7.

System Requirements :
Computer with a 1 gigahertz (GHz) 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor.
Operating system
Windows 7 32-bit with Service Pack 1 (SP1) or higher
Windows 7 64-bit with Service Pack 1 (SP1) or higher
Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) 64-bit
Windows 7 32-bit—512 MB
Windows 7 64-bit—512 MB
Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit—512 MB
Hard drive space
Windows 7 32-bit—70 MB
Windows 7 64-bit—120 MB
Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit—200 MB
CD-ROM drive (if installation is done from a CD-ROM)
Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor with 256 colors
Modem or Internet connection
Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse, or compatible pointing device

Download :
Installer x86 win7 | 21 MB Official
Mirror (english x86) - Full Speed
Installer x64 win7 | 48 MB Official

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Aurora 3D Presentation 13.02281517 Full Keygen adalah software yang bisa anda gunakan untuk membuat dan membuka slide presentasi layaknya MS PowerPoint. Mungkin saat ini MS PowerPoint masih lebih populer, dketimbang software ini. Tapi, kelengkapan fitur dan segala kelebihan ada dalam software ini. 

Download | Installer Aurora 3D Presentation 13 - (77 MB)
Download | Keygen Aurora 3D Presentation 13
Sumber&password :

TeamViewer 8.0.16642 Professional Full Patch adalah sebuah software yang berfungsi untuk memonitor PC jarak jauh. Dengan syarat terkoneksi dengan internet, dengan kecepatan tertentu. Caranya, kita tinggal memasukkan user dan password PC yang akan kita monitor, pada software TeamViewer ini

Download | Installer TeamViewer 8.0 Professional - (5 MB)
Download | Patch TeamViewer 8.0 Professional
Sumber&password :

How To Transfer Or Move Blogger Blog From One Account To Another Account

There may be so many reasons why you want to transfer your blogger blog to another account, probably you want to transfer it to a new partner account or you are tired of using your old email account.
It is always cool to have two different account on a blog as an admin, incase you lost password of a account, you will still have access back to your blog using the second account,  and if you don't know how to go about this, then this tutorial should trash out your worries.

How To Transfer Blogger Blog To Another Account

  • Login to your blogger dashboard
  • Click on Settings under the blog you want to transfer to another account
  • Under Permissions section, click on +Add authors link button, and a pop up window will appear or a box will drop down.
  • Enter the email address of the account you are transferring the blog to.

  • Now check the new email address to confirm the confirmation message sent to it.
  • Follow the link in the message sent and you are done.

Now after confirming the invitation, the new email account will now be made as an author on the blog. Select the new author as the admin of the blog from the drop down button so as to have total control of the blog and delete the old account using the cancel icon in front of the old account section.

The new admin now have total control of the blog like editing the template, removing other authors, publishing or deleting posts, changing address and so on. But you have to be preventative when choosing a new admin as partner for your blog, and make sure you choose someone you can trust.
Any queries or suggestions is welcome.(sumber)

